
SK shieldus's Sustainable Management Execution

SK shieldus reflects the diverse opinions of its stakeholders throughout its management activities, and seeks to establish a transparent governance structure and implement sustainable management through the operation of the Board of Directors.

BOD centered & ESG responsible Management

SK shieldus intends to establish a transparent governance structure and implement sustainable management
through the operation of the BOD in four ways.

Direction of Governance Operation

Responsible Management Led by the BOD

As the supreme decision-making body, the Board of Directors implements responsible management centered on the Board of Directors by securing its independence and enhancing its professionalism.

Intensifying the Professionalism and Diversity of the BOD

Consider diversity in the director appointment process so that the management can reflect the interests of various stakeholders.

Committee Operating within the BOD

Operate a committee with expertise within the BOD to faithfully perform the mission of monitoring and supervising the management.

Stronger Independence of the BOD

Enable independent decision-making for important decisions, and appoint outside directors up to a certain ratio.

Composition of the BOD

The BOD is organized in such a way that the professional expertise and competencies of the BOD members are balanced and harmonized, effective and careful discussions and decisions can be made, and the committee installed within the BOD is revitalized.

Board of Directors- Guaranteed independence of the BOD by appointing a majority of external directors - {ESG Committee, Audit Committee, Insider Trading Committee, Outside Director Candidate Recommendation Committee} Board of Directors- Guaranteed independence of the BOD by appointing a majority of external directors - {ESG Committee, Audit Committee, Insider Trading Committee, Outside Director Candidate Recommendation Committee}

Trust Management through Risk Management

Compliance Management System

To intensify compliance management, which is to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, SK shieldus enacted the compliance ethics regulations and appointed a chief compliance officer to ensure that the company complies with all laws and regulations.

Organization Dedicated to Compliance Management

Advanced Compliance System

To strengthen compliance management, we enacted the compliance ethics regulations and appointed a chief compliance officer to ensure that all laws and regulations are complied with within the company. By stepping up the compliance system, we are systematically preventing / monitoring / managing / responding to compliance risks in all fields.

Ethical Management Promotion System

SK shieldus operates online and offline channels so that all stakeholders can freely report on/seek consultation regarding ethical management. We conduct various activities in ethical management by providing training for employees to strengthen their ethical awareness.

Ethical Management Reinforcement Activities

Report/Consultation System

Operate online and offline channels so that all stakeholders can freely report/consult on ethical management

Stronger Employee Ethics

To strengthen ethical awareness, we operate common basic training(online) for all members of the company and specialized training for leaders(ethical management practice workshop, new leader training, education for disseminating cases of ethical management violations, subleader training for ethical management evaluation, etc.)

Ethical Management Survey

The ethical management survey is conducted annually for all employees to reflect on the ethical management practice system and organizational culture improvement activities

Spread of Ethical Management for BPs

Pursue coexistence and shared growth based on transparent and fair trade through ethical management with BPs

Transparent Management

ESG Disclosure(Planned) and Stronger Communication with Stakeholders

SK shieldus aims to collect various opinions for smooth communication with stakeholders and reflect them in overall management by publishing a sustainability report for communication with various stakeholders and disclosing corporate information and goals/activities for each ESG area in detail.

Disclosure of Corporate Governance Report(for 2022)

Thoroughly comply with the core principles of corporate governance according to the exchange’s corporate governance report guidelines and disclose them transparently

Sustainability Report Publication/Disclosure(Planned)

Publication of a sustainability management report to transparently disclose sustainability management activities and performance to shareholders and stakeholders

Environmental Information Disclosure

Actively establish and implement environmental management goals and disclose them

Stronger Communication with Stakeholders

Disclose corporate information and goals/activities for each ESG area in detail, communicate with stakeholders and collect opinions and reflect them throughout management activities